Though "King Tut" collected the mimeographed questions from each student, he did not reckon with the organizing ability of fraternity students. 尽管考完后他将每份试卷都收了回去,但绝没料到学生联谊会的组织能力如此出色。
Having the organizing ability to provide, within their scope of business, the tourists with various services that meet the standard service requirements; (四)有按照经营的业务范围,向旅行者提供符合服务要求的组织能力;
Research on Development of Organizing Ability of Shanghai Youth Volunteers Association; Practice and Probe in Ideological and Political Education Based on College Association 依托大学生社团开展思想政治教育的实践与探索&以我校青年志愿者协会为例
Having strong-minded and high-blooded moral character, and having the better communication and organizing ability. 具有坚强的意志品质,良好的道德风貌,具有较强人际沟通以及组织协调能力。
Study on the Cultivation of Science and Engineering Students 'Organizing Ability in Physical Education 体育教学对高校理工类学生组织能力培养的研究
According to the quality request in the world first-class universities, we develop children's creativity, showmanship, organizing ability, practical ability, etc. 我们按国际一流大学对学生的素质要求来从小培养孩子,培养他们的创造力、表现力、组织能力、动手能力,等等。
Independent management capability, organizing ability and handling stress ability are needed. 有一定的独立管理和组织能力,具备一定抗压能力。
Excellent organizing capacity and bear ability. 有很强的组织能力、承受能力。
It is broken through by strategic human resource management based on organizing ability that there is single line corresponding between enterprise strategy and human resource management. 基于组织能力的战略性人力资源管理突破了企业战略与人力资源管理之间简单线性对应关系认识的束缚。
In terms of this situation, this paper proposes to cultivate peasants 'organizing ability through positive roles of basic level political organizations, ruling by law and cultural construction. 针对这种状况,提出通过基层政权组织的积极作用、法治化及文化建设等培育农民的自组织能力。
Preschool education is based on various games and interesting activities so that it is important to train and foster students organizing ability to play games. 幼儿园以游戏为基本活动,寓教育于各项活动之中,因此培养幼师学生的游戏教学组织能力至关重要。
There are many factors influence enterprise organizing ability. Among them, highly effective and stable moving enterprise organizational structure, scientific implementing achievement management, enterprise idea adapting to new economic concept are all very important content. 决定企业组织能力的因素有多种,其中,企业组织结构高效而稳定的运行、绩效管理的科学实施和适应新的经济观念的企业理念的确立都是非常重要的因素。
The second step is organizing industrial group, developing self-developing ability; the third step is using modern IT systems, building industrial valuable internet; 二是引入产业群发展理念,利用产业群的网络效益建立产业基地的自我发展能力:三是利用现代信息网络化手段,整合囚内外资源和市场,建立产业基地的价值网络;
It is composed of three factors: operating technique of core productions, skill on organizing and harmonizing and organizational crux ability. 它由核心产品经营技能、组织协调技能和现代信息技术、组织关键能力三个要素构成。
The effective way to handle complexity is to improve the management ability, which is on the basis of the improvement in both business knowledge accumulation and organizing ability, and also the improvement in the ability of simplifying the complexity. 有效管理复杂性的途径就是要提高对复杂性问题的管理能力,这种能力的提高是以提升企业知识积累能力和组织学习能力为前提,以提高简化复杂性的能力为基础的。
Ways of Training and Promoting the Organizing Ability of the Students Majoring in Preschool Education 如何培养中专幼师专业学生运用游戏组织教学的能力
Organizing social practice and training the ability of serving the society, etc. 组织社会实践,锻炼服务社会的能力等建议,以养成教育提高中专生的职业道德素质。
Self organizing ability is the basic characteristic of IMS. The essential conditions of self organizing system structure is discussed in the paper, and the fundamental structure of self organizing unit is built with Integrated Intelligent Unit in Intelligence Engineering. 在阐述自组织系统结构上的基本条件后,利用智能工程中的集成智能单元,建立了具有自组织能力的智能制造系统自组织单元的基本结构。
The staff's creativity plays a key role for the creativity of enterprises, but it must be realized through organizing, actually the innovation ability is expressed as the organizing ability. 员工的创造性对企业的创造能力发挥起着关键作用,但是它必须通过组织来实现,因而创新能力最终表现为组织能力。
The author made an analysis of the general level of the football referee of the students majoring in football in colleges and universites in Guangzhou, from the organizing ability, stamina diathesis, law-enforcing capability, psychological pressure. 从组织能力、耐力素质、心理压力、执法水平4方面,对广州高校体育教育专业三个年级足球专选班的学生足球裁判综合水平现状进行调查分析。
The teaching ability includes expressing ability, demonstrating ability, distinguishing the wrong acts ability and organizing teaching ability. 教学能力包括语言表达能力、动作示范能力、错误动作辨别能力、组织教学能力;
Improving the Organizing Ability of Physical Education Majors by Utilizing Their Spare Time 利用课余时间提高体育专业学生的组织能力
Simulation shows that this network is comparable to the back propagation neural network in the prediction of a single input single output nonlinear system, and its self organizing ability outperforms the latter which has fixed connection weights and thresholds. 仿真研究表明,该网络的辨识效果可与经拓扑结构优选的反向传播网络相比,而其自组织能力则是权值不变的后者无法相比的。
The Enterprise Organizing Ability and the Enterprise Sustainable Development 企业组织能力与企业可持续发展
There is significant difference in the amount of the construction of Fitness Routes in different areas of Shandong province. Qingdao, Zibo, and Rizhao have more Fitness Routes, which shows the better state of the organizing ability. 通过调查与分析得出以下主要结论:1.山东省不同地市全民健身路径的建设数量差异明显,其中,青岛、淄博和日照的数量明显较多,表明这些城市的全民健身路径建设工作开展A好。
Leading cadres 'behavior can be considered as a mirror which presents an overall outlook of leading cadres in different aspects, political quality, organizing ability, state of mind, attitude toward work, life style and so on. 领导干部的作风犹如一面镜子,反映着领导干部的政治素质、组织能力、思想状态、工作态度、生活方式等各方面的整体面貌。
The system altogether contains four sub-systems, respectively including marketing ability subsystem, organizing and managing ability subsystem, innovating ability subsystem and technological ability subsystem of enterprises. 体系共包含四个子系统,分别是企业市场营销能力子系统、企业组织管理能力子系统、企业创新能力子系统以及企业技术能力子系统。
The results also reveal that subjects in training groups have better performance in Analyzing and Sorting Capabilities, Organizing and Coordinating Ability, Adaptability and Pressure Sustainability, Behavior and Manners. Furthermore, the total results conspicuously surpassed the scores of the control group. 研究结果同时表明,培训组的被试在分析归纳能力、组织协调能力、应变力及压力承受力、行为表现与风度、以及总分的结果都显著优于对照组的得分。
As the guide and demonstrator of learners, college English teachers 'self-efficacy can not only affect their own profession level and class organizing ability, but also affect learners' self-efficacy to a great extent. 大学英语教师作为学习者的引导者和示范者,其自我效能感不仅影响教师本人的专业水平和课堂组织能力,在很大程度上也影响了学习者的自我效能感。
Our country must strengthen the social work talents troop organizing in the construction process of socialism harmonious society, promotes the social work talents troop organizing socialism harmonious society diligently ability, lays the solid foundation for the organizing socialism harmonious society. 我国必须要在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中加强社会工作人才队伍建设,努力提升社会工作人才队伍构建社会主义和谐社会的能力,为构建社会主义和谐社会奠定坚实的基础。